Dead by Tomorrow

Vertical Improvement Challenge Halfway Update (#56)


Oops, we got technical again. This time about exercise, recovery, protein, and jumping.

Hope you guys enjoy this update to the vertical improvement challenge!

For show notes and more, check out

Much Love, Fam!

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[00:00:19] Andrew: Hello to our beautiful listeners. Welcome back to the show. We are thrilled to have you guys for an update on challenge number three for the year, which is our vertical improvement. only have Daniel and I this time around. So if you were loving bread on sorry to disappoint, but Daniel, good to hear you.

[00:00:41] Andrew: Good to see ya. I'm upset with how much higher you jumped on me, but how's everything been going. It looks like you have a busy weekend with your wife's 30th solo dad night and all kinds of stuff. So how's everything treating you.

[00:00:56] Daniel: 'cause they've been good. And first of all, I have to say hello to our ugly listeners as well. You tend to greet our beautiful listeners and I just want the ugly people to know that I'm I'm here for them. I care about 

[00:01:10] Andrew: At least.

[00:01:13] Daniel: no, the weekend was good. Celebrated Hillary's 30th. We went and did a roller skating party and did an outdoor movie and just did a lot of fun things in general. Um, yeah, I've had a solo dad, not here and there. Hillary is actually doing top golf right now with some girlfriends from church. So So dad night here and there, just making sure that Hillary has a chance to go and hang out with some friends.

[00:01:39] Daniel: I think rather than I washed the car tonight. So it was invigorating, but that's not what we're here for. We're here to talk about the. Vertical challenge where yeah. I mean, no surprise been kicking your butt there, but it's not, uh, it's not about the, the raw numbers, right? It's about what the growth is and, Um,

[00:02:00] Daniel: you know, trying to, trying to see improvement there.

[00:02:05] Daniel: So I haven't actually looked at has your, as your vertical change so far and a positive. 

[00:02:14] Andrew: Well for me. Yes, we're going to leave it as simple. And for now it looks like I've had a niche. , and I kind of thought, you know, we're basically at the halfway point a little past the halfway point, I kinda thought I would have had more improvement for how little I've trained my vertical recently, but yeah, I'm, uh, I'm open inch, uh, based on my most recent test.

[00:02:43] Andrew: So. Yeah, not great. What about yours?

[00:02:49] Daniel: Well, it's, it's kind of fluctuated. So. When we started the challenge, it was the, measurement's a little tough we'll, we'll call it. We'll call it at thirty [00:03:00] one thirty one and a half. Um, and then a couple days into the challenge actually DIT down to 30 and I haven't been diligently retesting every day.

[00:03:13] Daniel: I've kind of spread out my tests. And so then. When a little while where it stayed or at 30, I think I did a retest or two in the midst of about five or six days. Um, and then I had a day where it jumped up to 35, which was pretty awesome. Um, and then today I did one more test for the episode and it was at 33.

[00:03:33] Daniel: So yeah, at its max, um, it seems like there's maybe been improvement, but I'm going to go ahead and say for me, I don't know that it's adding to what my vertical is. I think it's more so just kind of seeing, um, based on some training and then based on arrests and based on warming up kind of figuring out where, or what are.

[00:04:02] Daniel: Could do to expect kind of a maximum vertical day. So maybe there's a little bit of improvement. I've been really consistent with my training. Um, I've been more consistent and mindful of protein intake. Um, the other thing that I've been doing is weighing myself. 

[00:04:21] Daniel: Each morning, I've tried to do it consistently.

[00:04:23] Daniel: There've been some days that I've missed here and there, but, um, seems like then able to add a pound or two on average. So there may be some actual muscle changes. 

[00:04:36] Andrew: That's fun. So you're trying to, you're trying to add a little bit of muscle to it. So that's part of why you're tracking it. And I actually asked you about that since you started doing it, but that is partly, you're seeing a few. The protein intake and possibly, Hey, break that 160 pound mark. Huh?

[00:04:52] Daniel: That's a goal. I mean, I, I was, when I was listening, lifting consistently, I was in between 1 61 65. So I've definitely dropped some weight. Um, And the it's it's dropping muscle weight, unfortunately. Um,

[00:05:10] Andrew: That's the worst ever.

[00:05:12] Daniel: the goal is to get back to it, but yeah, so I, I'm curious to hear you feel like you've maybe added an inch and you felt like you expected to see more growth cause you haven't specifically been turning vertical.

[00:05:24] Daniel: So. Have you been doing drastically different exercises than your normal daily exercises? Or like, what about your routine made you feel like you're going to see some improvement? 

[00:05:39] Andrew: Well, okay. First, let me talk about the negative. I, I have not been as consistent with training as I was with our past SQL challenge as I was studying. So I went to Kansas, uh, last Wednesday and I was able to get to work out on Wednesday morning, but [00:06:00] then my sleep schedule, my. Diet and my ability to go to the gym just got complete, just completely wiped through Saturday.

[00:06:10] Andrew: And then Easter was Sunday and first the gym wasn't open, but even if it was, I probably still wouldn't have gone because I was just exhausted on Sunday. So I missed four days of just about everything I did. Okay. On the diet, I guess. But, , sleep was trash and no workout at all. So that was kind of frustrating that I missed.

[00:06:29] Andrew: So. Days right before the halfway mark. But anyways, to answer your question, um, yeah, I'm, I'm still lifting similar what I was doing. So my I'm still doing a push pull legs, uh, routine, uh, that I've been doing for the last probably 10, 11 weeks. Uh, I'm still doing that and it's, uh, six days a week. But what I've changed up is I'm still hitting the major lifts at the beginning, but at the end, I've shifted over to some more of the knees over toes guys stuff.

[00:07:06] Andrew: To an extent I'm trying to follow that. I don't have a Nordic hamstring ability. Well, I probably could if I tried hard enough, but I'm not going to try very hard to find that cause that stuff sucks. But, um, I put them in a bunch of box jumps. Um, I'm sled, I'm doing sled work, uh, almost every single workout.

[00:07:23] Andrew: So I know you're not supposed to do legs six and four twice a week in this program, but I'm doing either slid or box jumps. Uh, every single workout. What's been interesting about that. My, I got a whoop, probably two days after we started this. Um, for some of our longtime listeners, they might remember at the very beginning I was talking about whoops.

[00:07:46] Andrew: Um, but I, when I got back on the loop train and slapped it on and immediately my recovery, it was at like 50% in the yellow, which is not good. Like 90 to 100% is kind of your goal where you can be peak efficiency. So the entire time we've been doing this challenge, I have been. At a semi-load recovery, right?

[00:08:06] Andrew: Not like the bad bed, but like, definitely like the middle of the road. Don't push yourself too hard. I don't know if it's because I was going every day or what was going on, but that was probably the only positive that came out of missing a gym for four days in a row was when I got back. Uh, well actually I guess Saturday night, um, I guess I went to bed early enough.

[00:08:28] Andrew: Uh, and then Sunday, I got enough sleep and. I was able to finally get into the green on my recovery. So, and then, um, Monday I hit my 25 inch vertical instead of the 24 inch. That was my previous peak. So maybe that helps. Um, but that's been interesting, uh, the box jumps and this is for anybody who thinks that I'm in any way in shape, uh, the first set of box jumps I did, uh, two weeks ago.[00:09:00] 

[00:09:01] Andrew: When. Okay. Like I did not feel confident in doing it was, I felt very weak compared to in the past when I did some. Uh, but what was most embarrassing about this? Besides my ability to jump at higher height ranges than I expected, um, my abs were sore, like bad sore. A couple of days after, during the box jumps from doing box jumps.

[00:09:22] Andrew: And I don't think that's ever happened to me in my life before. So that shows how little I've been jumping that my abs hurt from doing box jumps. But what about you? I've you've been doing the air assault and sorry if you've got questions on that, feel free to hit them with me, but you've been doing the air assault every day and you've done it before.

[00:09:41] Andrew: Is it as effective? Like how are you feeling on that? Because. Yeah, almost added like three inches to your vertical, at least from baseline, it seems. And it could have totally been a testing thing. There's always that room for air that we, neither of us are testing properly, but that's pretty big improvement halfway through.

[00:10:01] Daniel: Yeah. So I've been doing, I've been doing an error alert, um, just to 

[00:10:05] Andrew: Did I call it air 

[00:10:06] Daniel: you did. No. It's okay. I just wanted to correct it and kiss 

[00:10:09] Daniel: anybody. Then everybody looks it up. It's an old program. I didn't realize how old it was until I was just Googling a couple of the, like different names of the jumps to make sure I was doing them.

[00:10:18] Daniel: Right. And then I saw the video and I was like, oh, this is like eighties kind of stuff. But I don't know. I mean, there's not a lot to reinvent in terms of jumping, in my opinion. And so I do think that that is one aspect of doing error alert. That's pretty helpful is whenever I'm doing these workouts, I'm doing a lot of different jumps and, Um, it's involving arms and then there's some step up aspects of it.

[00:10:51] Daniel: And I mean, yeah, it, it pretty much burns out your legs. Um, and th there is that muscle. Added sort of piece to it, but I also do think there is something to just training your body, to jump, trying to, you know, incorporate the arms. I mean, there's apps that are definitely a part of it. And so, yeah, I'm still trying to lift in addition to doing error alert, um, that hasn't been quite as consistent, but you know, trying to live to get some additional muscle, additional power.

[00:11:26] Daniel: But the thing that I've been very consistent in. Jumping in it's actually not every day. Um, that's, that's another thing that I wanted to call out and kind of wanted to pick your brain on. And I put a comment on your sheet at one point, or it might not have saved, but I'm just asking, Hey, have you had any rest days?

[00:11:45] Daniel: Because part of what I'm doing with air alert is, um, in week one, I did Monday, Wednesday, Friday, I did air alert jump program, and then. [00:12:00] Yes, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, didn't do any jumping exercises. Now those were days where I tended to either get a lift in, or maybe I played Frisbee, or there was some days where I pretty much did nothing aside from walking the dog, walking around the house.

[00:12:19] Daniel: I truly had several. Rest stays. And then, um, the weeks sort of alternate. So you do Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and then the next week it's pretty stacked. So it'd be a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. So it's back to back and then a longer rest period. So that was one thing that I, I felt like made a difference is, you know, having those burnout days, like my, my vertical dropdown.

[00:12:50] Daniel: 30 at one point where I was just completely gas, I think yesterday it was down to 30 and that was me doing a pretty intense track workout doing a, uh, air alert workout, and then trying to do a vertical test. Like it was, it was pretty rough, but then came back today. You know, after a day of rest is up to 33.

[00:13:15] Daniel: And I, I feel like if I rested and then had a good warm up tomorrow, I could probably get back up to that 35. Um, so anybody who is training, I, I do think there is value in kind of varying up the intensity of the workout and then finding days to rest, if you've, if you've gone too hard, so to speak like this.

[00:13:42] Daniel: In the midst of the past, uh, two weeks, I guess we've been doing this a little over two weeks. I had a, uh, like a Frisbee, I don't know, match, like pretty intense match. Like one of the harder games that I've played, where I was just dead tired by the end of it, push myself sort of to the limit. Um, And I took pretty much three almost complete rest days after that, but then I'd have to go look at the dates.

[00:14:16] Daniel: I think it was pretty soon after that, that I hit that 35. So what, what is your thought on having rest as a part of your routine? 

[00:14:27] Andrew: Oh, man, that is a hot topic.

[00:14:33] Andrew: I swing. Wildly between stuff for one there's this idiom. I think we talked about this in the book. man, it's been awhile, but basically whenever you're working out, uh, what you're doing is in a kind of graphic, imagery. You're taking like a knife and you're cutting your hand and. You're trying to, you're trying to get a countless, right.

[00:14:56] Andrew: And you're trying to get this big callous on your hand, but if you [00:15:00] take that knife and you cut the cut every single day and you never let that skin heal over before you recut it, you're never going to grow the callus. You're just going to irritate and keep this cut open. And as gruesome as that sounds, that's what happens when you're working out.

[00:15:14] Andrew: You're literally tearing your muscles. And like you're, you're damaging the muscle fibers. There's like little tears in your muscle. Like you took a knife to it. And that's what happens when you work out hard is you're hurting the muscles and then they're re healing over that. Cut. And, uh, it's basically making a bigger muscle.

[00:15:36] Andrew: That is a really good argument for rest. You need rest to give time for those muscle fibers to physically heal. protein helps. Um, it's one of the building blocks for that process. Um, obviously adequate sleep and water and you know, all the other stuff, but the rest is really important. Now that sounds like it's pretty straight forward and I'm in the, in the alley or the team of, you know, obviously get your rest in.

[00:16:04] Andrew: Personally, some of the things I've been experimenting with is resting from maybe the heavier lifting. Like obviously I'm still resting from heavier lifting squat every day, but there's this other camp that's called grease. The groove, I think, is what it's called. And basically their ideas like, Hey, instead of going crazy, you just do.

[00:16:30] Andrew: Oh, and it usually is body weight stuff, but you just do it a lot and you just keep doing it and you just keep doing it and you keep doing it. And that has nothing to do with the knees over toes guys. But I thought about it and I was like, okay. 

[00:16:40] Daniel: Cool. 

[00:16:40] Andrew: One of the things that the knees over toes guys talked about with, he was like, you know, every single.

[00:16:45] Andrew: Day, I slept. I slept every single day. And the reason he sleds is it helps him increases jumping ability. so that's one of the main things I'm looking at that I changed in this program was making sure I got my sled working, where I was pushing and pulling a sled pretty regularly. And the reason he sleds everyday is less the muscle endurance now, which is there, but it's kind of on the ligament side and, uh, the mind muscle connection.

[00:17:12] Andrew: He is constantly reinforced. That connection that your body makes between doing something and being better at it. So the grease, the groove is usually a pull up protocol where you're basically every hour you do like two or three pull-ups and you, you end up doing huge volume of pull-ups throughout the day, which you only do like one or two at a time.

[00:17:33] Andrew: And that's one of the better ways to get your pool of numbers up. So I'm taking that kind of overlaying it with the knees over toes guys. He says he's sledding every single day, no matter what workout he's doing. And it's kind of like cardio, , you look at these people who run. They're not, they're taking rest days, but they're, they're taking rest days very occasionally once a week.

[00:17:58] Andrew: Um, the rest of the time they're building up [00:18:00] mileage. So when it comes to this, what I see as a body weight exercise, even though it's probably a little bit more explosive than a lot of body weight stuff, I'm trying to increase the volume of training. with the hope that with enough protein enough sleep, I'm still going to get that rest I need, because I'm not blowing my legs out.

[00:18:19] Andrew: Like you're doing I'm, you know, maybe on the leg days, I'm getting pretty close to it. But on the upper body days, it's, you know, we're talking a couple minutes of sled push and pull, or a set of box jumps, maybe two sets of box jumps. So. I don't think it's having a drastically negative effect. The only argument against that I have is that whoop data where my recovery was just trashed for almost the entire period until I didn't go to the gym for four days.

[00:18:46] Andrew: And even though my sleep was off, I still managed to get my recovery finally into the green, despite everything. So I guess what I'm saying is I'm kind of torn. I think what you're doing is probably the right way to do it, but I think there's a. arguments out there that there's a different way to try it.

[00:19:03] Andrew: That I'm trying the other way almost as like the devil's advocate here. So yeah, super, super noncommittal answer on what I think the right option is here.

[00:19:15] Daniel: Well I'm team rest for shutter. 

[00:19:20] Andrew: I get it. the other, the other reason I bring this up or the thing that it's different, , I think we've talked about this before as well, so sorry for being a dead horse. But when I was trying to get some, you know, some chess games, I wanted to fill up a t-shirt a little bit, You know, I was trying to lift heavy Joel, his stuff wasn't really working.

[00:19:37] Andrew: And then I swapped over to just doing a much lighter weight, uh, workout, where I was just, I had like 35 pounds dumbbells and I was working from home and I just got on this bench. I had like literally a wooden bench, put a blanket over it, laid down and I would do a set of 15, I think, or maybe 20, uh, chest presses.

[00:19:58] Andrew: And I just did that on the hour, every hour for the. So eight o'clock roll around 29. O'clock 2010. O'clock 20, almost every chest work that I do now, I think back to it, I'm like, why am I even wasting my time at the gym? I should just do that because that was like, literally the only time I ever grew my chest in any measurable sense.

[00:20:18] Andrew: So, and I was doing it every day. I wasn't doing it every other day. I was every day for like three weeks. I think I just did chest press with dumbbells for hundreds of reps and. That that worked for me. And that was whenever I started looking at this sort of stuff, I'm like, really, am I, am I misunderstanding rest?

[00:20:38] Andrew: And I am in no way an expert, obviously, but just there's just enough. And I knew you were doing some rests. I thought I was like, let's see what happens when I push myself really hard for a while. Unfortunately, I got four days of rest. So, uh, you know, the experiment didn't really work out very well. And all of that said I'm definitely going to rest [00:21:00] before the final test day, because I do think what you're talking about, where it doesn't matter how you like mint, whatever you feel like.

[00:21:08] Andrew: Um, I think if you've been hitting your legs pretty hard, you're going to test poorly. that's just how it goes. So I'll probably take a couple of days of rest to catch up any possible lingering. overexertion I have, and maybe three days before the end of. Just do upper body only, or just really take it easy and see if I can get that vertical to give me another intro to out of it.

[00:21:29] Andrew: And, you know, praying that I can get up to the 30 club and only be half a foot off from you.

[00:21:36] Daniel: Yeah. So what is your ultimate goal and above? Is it 30 inches? Is that's what you're trying to get. 

[00:21:44] Andrew: No. So I don't have a, I don't have a number of aiming for, I had no idea what my vertical was whenever we started doing this. And I am still not sure. Honestly, I have a method I'm testing, which is basically, there's a pole vaulting contraption at the gym, and I have Derek who's working out with me on occasion.

[00:22:04] Andrew: Uh, Me as I jump up next to it and try and reach up, and then we measured off because of course it can't be easy. Like it's not in like standard measurements, it's pole vaulting measurements or something. I'm not really sure. So we didn't figure out what the measurements actually equal to. So that's where I got my vertical from.

[00:22:23] Andrew: So maybe I'm at 10 inches. That would be sad for the record, if that's the case. And I'm like actually 10 inches to your 30 inches, I'm going to go buy a big truck.

[00:22:38] Daniel: So have you done any, just the standard, basically chalk tests where you marked, and then you jump in work in measure between. 

[00:22:50] Andrew: So that's kind of, I don't have chalk. And I probably needed to do something outdoors at some point with a tape measure. Uh, what we're doing is that pole vault has numbers on it. It's basically there's numbers that don't quite make sense, but it's in foot increments. And so we did the standing went up, you know, got my initial, which on this thing was, uh, 18.

[00:23:16] Andrew: No,

[00:23:16] Andrew: I cannot remember what the exact range was. So I just measured yesterday and I was at 1910 for my, 25 inches. So two feet less than that and an inch. So 18, 17, I guess it's like 17, three, maybe 17 two was my standing. , but yeah, we, we basically. Yeah, we did the standing tests. We shouldn't have chalk or measuring tape, 

[00:23:45] Andrew: but it is already pre-marked.

[00:23:48] Daniel: Okay. So if you don't have a number goal, what, what is your goal by the end? Like at the end of the month? How, how are you going to say, okay, this was a successful [00:24:00] channel.

[00:24:01] Andrew: Okay. Well, one improvement in general. That is obviously what I'm going for is the improvement to consistency. if, if you haven't looked. We're friends listening. We have some kind of fun. , I'm fairly proud of this Google sheet we have for our vertical challenge. , and one of the things on it is a consistently it's a consistency chart.

[00:24:23] Andrew: And so if the consistency chart is in the green and I, that basically to me is I gave it a pretty good effort. So I'll be happy about that. , one of the things I'm doing that really doesn't directly affect the vertical. Honestly, I'm going to be proud and considered a success. If I am able to fold all the way through is I'm not drinking alcohol while we're doing this challenge.

[00:24:44] Andrew: Um, which makes me sound like an alcoholic. So maybe that is problematic, but I, I just, I think it's going to be cool to kind of do a little 30 day, no alcohol thing while we're doing this. And so I'll be pretty happy if I'm able to continue to the end point without giving into social peer pressure and, or.

[00:25:05] Andrew: Whatever you want to call it, that gets us to drink as adults. So, uh, that, and then obviously the end goal is some kind of increase in the vertical. I've got basically a baseline of like 24 inches, uh, assuming I measured, right? So using that same measurement, if I can get a few inches improvement in 30 days, I think that's going to be a woman.

[00:25:29] Andrew: I don't have like a, if I only get two inches of improvement, that's a loss. Like two inches is still, you know, if somebody can improve their vertical two inches, they're probably a happy person, generally, 

[00:25:40] Daniel: Yeah. I mean, that's. 

[00:25:41] Andrew: least in 30 days. You know, if we're talking about a year, you know, maybe not as much, but.

[00:25:46] Daniel: No. I mean, that's a, that's a 10% increase. I mean, roughly a little less and 30 days, so it's pretty solid. 

[00:25:55] Andrew: What about you? Where's your, where's your end point look like that you are considering you beating the challenge or needs improvement.

[00:26:05] Daniel: So there were a couple of things. I would like to do, to consider the challenge of a success. So I'm keeping track of weight. I'd love to be able to get back up to one 60. I don't know if I'll be able to do that by the end of the month. Um, we will see all data need to be hitting weights a little bit more.

[00:26:28] Daniel: And I have been consistently doing a strenuous track workout once a week. Not typically a recipe to gaining weight. Um, but we'll see if I can keep up with the protein. But, uh, I mean, at the very minimum, continuing the upward trend on my weight would be awesome. 160 pounds would be ideal. So that, that would be kind of a big win.

[00:26:57] Daniel: Um, and then for the vertical. [00:27:00] Yeah, obviously I want to try to increase it, you know, testing at 35 kind of midway through was awesome. If I can beat that by a full inch, that would be great. So at 36 would put me at a nice even three foot vertical. Um, so that would be pretty cool from a number standpoint, but in reality, what I want. I want to dunk a basketball. That's what I really want to do. So I don't think I could realistically call the challenge of complete success if I get to the end of the month. And I can't dunk a basketball at the very least, I want to build a solidly, throw it on a volleyball. So I think one thing I'll, I'll try to do on testing day at the end of the month, which you need to look and see what day that is.

[00:27:51] Daniel: Hopefully. Not a day that I have like a tournament or something. Um, 

[00:27:56] Andrew: That wouldn't be bad.

[00:27:57] Daniel: I think what I want to do is get a nice, good warm-up in, um, go somewhere and be ideal. If I could find a place that's not concrete because concrete is not super springy, um, and just bring tennis ball, I'll bring a dodgeball ring, a volleyball, bring a basketball and try to just work my way up and see the largest ball that I can. Then maybe the bowling ball. I don't know if I want to get crazy. 

[00:28:26] Andrew: Bullying. Well, that's what you should be doing on training. It's just running around, jumping with a bowling ball. You get some, uh, some say in training in there.

[00:28:36] Daniel: Yeah. I was thinking you're starting to sound like Goku. 

[00:28:39] Andrew: God, I, what was it? Something came up probably on Tik TOK and, oh, there was some trend where these girls were, uh, flexing their back muscles. And they're like trying to, trying to get on some girls on anime, who I've not seen before, but, um, there's like a clip of her pulling back a lever and she flexes her back and so impressive back muscles.

[00:29:04] Andrew: And I cracked up, I was like, that's so weird. I was like, Shlomi. That is literally why half of us students go to the gym as we watched dragon ball, see as kids.

[00:29:18] Andrew: So I get it. Two things from what you said by the way first, this is, this is my advice where I am less black or more black and white lists, a gray area than I am on the rest versus anything. Looking at your protein intake, you're averaging sub one 50 green. And I don't know if this is accurate because it's not like I'm an actual scientist.

[00:29:45] Andrew: That's looked into this, but everything I've ever read says that if you're trying to gain weight, like what you're trying to do, you have to do at least one-to-one on that protein intake for your target weight. So if you want to be 160 pounds, you should [00:30:00] be doing 160 grams of protein every second. Um, everybody across the board that I've read anything related to that subject.

[00:30:08] Andrew: That's the thing. Um, generally the more successful bodybuilding, I don't know what to call them. Influencers, maybe. Uh, we'll pretend they're pseudo scientists. Um, they're closer to one and a half grams per, uh, target body weight. So one 60 would be somewhere closer to the. 1 9200 range. So highly, highly recommend you and anybody else who's in the same boat wanting to pack on that way.

[00:30:42] Andrew: Definitely increase that protein intake, which is tough. It's been tough getting one 50 and every day. I don't know about you. It's tough for me.

[00:30:51] Daniel: I pretty much would need to eat a lot more. Chains is my conclusion there. 

[00:30:58] Andrew: Okay. There you go. You have my permission. If that helps at all to eat as much Kansas you want for the next 15 days. , second thing that you talked about, uh, it kind of, the bulletin bowl is a joke, but is there anything you're going to do over the next half of this challenge differently than what you've been doing?

[00:31:18] Daniel: Well, part of the air alert program is that each week the volume of jumps is going up. So I am doing?

[00:31:28] Daniel: more, um, throughout the program. So. That will continue. Um, and I don't really play to change up a lot aside from just sticking with my programs, being consistent, trying to get in a little bit more weightlifting.

[00:31:45] Daniel: Um, and yeah, trying to find my test location for the, for the end. 

[00:31:53] Andrew: Excellent.

[00:31:54] Andrew: No, that's not going to work. Sorry. I was thinking I might be in Dallas. I was like, maybe we can test same day, but that'll be like a week after we finished. So nevermind. Uh, for me, I have been slacking at my mobility and stretching, uh, specifically stretching out my hamstring said really good to me, long game and engaged better again, knees over toes guide kind of thing.

[00:32:16] Andrew: Supposedly I should be stretching a lot more and really work in those hamstrings out. Uh, Kim, a little more snappy, so I'll be trying to make that a bigger focus. And then, like I said, I'm just not been really impressed with my performance in the gym. I feel like I've been kind of going a little light, so I'll really probably really probably try and up the weight on some of the lower body stuff, uh, specifically squat and just really crush those poor little quads of mine.

[00:32:49] Daniel: Cool. Well, I'm excited to see where we end up on this. definitely got to, got to get some video to share in the final. Um, [00:33:00] 

[00:33:00] Andrew: Okay. I've I've got, I think there, it's got a video of my first test, so 

[00:33:05] Daniel: perfect. 

[00:33:06] Andrew: maybe we can, slap it together with the video of my second test. And, uh, if I'm not too shy, maybe I'll do a before and after pictures. For the Google sheet to, for anybody that's curious, what focusing on jumping about per month does to you or what not drinking alcohol and eating a lot of meat does, if there's a change, we'll see.

[00:33:27] Andrew: I haven't seen anything yet. Well, all right. For everybody listening. Thanks for tuning into a Daniel. And I probably getting too technical on a fitness stuff where you guys were just, uh, I guess the ketchup episodes are going to be us digging deep and really only for the hardcore. People that care about such things, but for everybody, listen, thank you guys for coming along, we will have our update and the final episode relating to the vertical improvement challenge and just probably two and a half weeks or so.

[00:34:00] Andrew: , keep your eyes peeled and, uh, pray for our knees. Thank you guys. And we look forward to connecting soon.

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